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Shipping Method


Single product order

Shipping charges are not included and are detailed on the price quotation. They are dependent on the type of product and destination.


Multiple products order

This value will correspond to the shipping charge of the item with the highest shipping charge on the shipment, irrespective of shipping condition(s), number of products and product type(s). Costs are calculated on the “quote summary”. This also applies to other quote methods.


Example of an order for 3 products:
Product Type              Shipping Conditions

1 x antibody                                   Blue ice

1 x Cell Lines                                  Dry ice in a larger box

1 x ELISA kit                                   Blue ice in a larger box

1 x Protein                                     Dry ice in a larger box / Blue ice

1 x Biochemical/ small molecule  Room temperature


Splitting orders

Customers selecting to split the delivery of products on a single order may be liable to multiple shipping charges, based on the product types included in each shipment.


Conditions of shipping

We have four methods of shipping:

  • Blue ice (also called wet ice)

  • Dry ice

  • Dual storage (for certain kits)

  • Room temperature

Based on tests conducted of our partners lab, we select the most appropriate shipping condition to ensure the stability of the product during transit.

All our products are guaranteed for 6-12 months. If your product does not perform as described on the datasheet, please email.


Contact Us

If you have any questions, please email us or phone via +972-(0)54-5544004



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